Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vacation Nightmare: Live snail incubates in boy's knee

I had some complaints about my vacation at "The Little House" at 958-1/2 Ocean Boulevard in Hampton NH.  And I especially noted that the jagged boulders separating the beach from the house are dangerous for children.  But thank goodness I or my child didn't experience what this poor boy did.

4-year-old Paul Franklin was climbing on some rocks at the beach when he fell and cut his knee.  The knee became swollen and so his mom took him to urgent care, where they prescribed a round of antibiotics. 

The knee got worse and even turned black.  Against doctor's orders, his mom squeezed the wound to try to drain it, and a live snail emerged!  

Paul's father speculates a snail egg was forced into the boy's knee when he fell on the rocks, where it began gestating.

The spunky 4-year-old has adopted the snail as a pet and named him "Turbo!"

See the story and video via Huffington Post and CBS: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/16/boy-knee-snail-egg_n_3768456.html

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